Using Email to Increase Your Customer Relationship - Conversion Hacker
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May 22, 2020

How To Use Email to Increase Your Customer Relationship

I had the wonderful pleasure of joining Susan Hamilton on the Relationship Mastery Podcast to drop some key nuggets about how to use emails in business.

You see, one of the key mistakes businesses make is they don't understand the purpose of emails.

They often try to sell too hard in the email - which turns off many consumers.

Email's sole purpose is to get the click to the next stage. So if that's the sales page then give them a compelling reason to go farther than your email. If it's book a call - give them a compelling reason to book with you. And so on.

Many times this is easily done with stories. And growing your relationships.

To hear everything I have to share you can check out my episode on the Relationship Mastery Podcast below.

Download your copy of the 21-Point Copy Audit Checklist here.

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