GFS - Email Open Rates 218% Increase - Conversion Hacker
$30 Million Funnel Copy
September 4, 2018

GFS Email Open Rates

This client asked me to help him with his email open rates. They dropped significantly two years ago and he's been trying to get them back ever since. With little results.

Before we started working together his average open rates hovered around 10%.

We discussed his goals and talked about the list he was building. What information did they want and how could we best serve them.

From there, we created 2 welcome sequences - one for each major type of email on his list.

I also advised he change the format of his emails. From heavy image based to more text based.

Lastly, we segmented his main list and sent them specific, targeted emails. Emails that they wanted to read and learn more about.

As you can see from the screenshot, the red line shows the starting point from when we started working together.

There was an immediate increase in open rates. 218%!

His click through rates increased as well. And the results of our targeted emails, the response rates increased exponentially.

And, his bottom line increased. By 14% over the course of 2 months.

And the best part?

When he did email his full list, open rates increased 54%.

In short: Targeted emails, segmented audience, formatting, and attention grabbing headlines won the day!
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